
Friday 13 January 2012

A ’Fro Like Marco’s | Fashion Police

Marco Simoncelli
Marco Simoncelli
Everyone made fun of Marco Simoncelli’s wild-and-crazy hair, but I’ve always admired it. Maybe it’s because my own hair also becomes an Afro when I don’t straighten it, so I can relate. Unlike me, however, “Super Sic” never tried to hide his curls. His hair was part of his charming, vivacious personality, and he wore it proudly. His fans were drawn to that.
As I was searching for a fitting tribute to the late #58 this month, I ran across clips from an Italian TV show, Victor Victoria. The host had Simoncelli try on different wigs—blonde, brunette and gray—and each looked worse than the one before. None of them fit his personality! Sad as I was to see him on-screen after his fatal accident, something caught my eye: Even though he had a wig on, a lock of his hair still managed to peek out from underneath. Nothing could contain those curls! That’s how he was on and off the track: When he made a mistake, he didn’t back down or apologize; he never let up. He was just like that lock of hair, always reminding us of his presence.
Marco Simoncelli Wigs
To honor Marco Simoncelli, fans at the 2011 season-ending MotoGP in Valencia, Spain, donne
You could put a dozen different wigs on Simoncelli, and you’d still get the same guy. He’d remain that tall, lanky boy-racer with the heart of gold. Like the Italians say, “Amava la vita.” He loved life, and was a unique individual who stayed true to himself. That is always in fashion!
Ciao, Marco, you had more fans that you could ever know! MC

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